Income, Hardship and Health in New York City

Poverty and distress in New York City are even worse than official measures indicate. Our survey suggests that more than half of New York City residents struggled at some point during 2012 with poverty, material hardship, and/or poor health.


  • Nearly 40% of New Yorkers suffered one or more severe material hardships, meaning that many families face persistent shortages of critical resources. 

  • Nearly a quarter of New Yorkers were in poverty in 2012, meaning they lacked money to cover their basic food, medical and housing needs

  • Nearly a quarter were in poor health

The Poverty Tracker is a longitudinal study of the dynamics of poverty and disadvantage in New York City. It is a joint project of Robin Hood and Columbia University.


Dynamics of Disadvantage in New York City


Meeting Needs of Low-Income New Yorkers